
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Airsoft Plinking S.W.A.T. Style (2003 Movie)

S.W.A.T. The Movie (2003)

All participant will be break into groups of not more than 8 Shooters. Each group will be aiming at their own target which is a a deck of Cards.

The deck of Cards will be arrange in this manners.

It is not a must to use the actual Deck Cards, the Match Organizer are allowed to use other method to construct the target (please refer to Example 1). However the target must follow the actual size of the Deck Cards.

Example 1.
Making a photocopy of the cards arrangement and break it into 4 peaces of A3 paper or any paper size that able to fit a minimum of 4 rows of cards in a 1 column.

Shooters will take turns to shoot the Deck Cards. Before the shooters begin to shoot his or her Deck Card, he or her must declare the cards that he or her about to shoot to the Airsoft Range Officer. The turn will continue until all shooters have already completed their hands of five cards.

Range Command.
Airsoft Range Officer " Shooter One, Are you Read!"
Shooter One " Ready on A's Spades"
Airsoft Range Officer " Standby !... Send!"
Shooter One will have to break the shot within 10 second.
Airsoft Range Officer called " Hits! "
the hit will be recorded and the range command will continue to the next Shooters.


Airsoft Range Officer called " Missed! "
the hit will Not be recorded and the range command will continue to the next Shooters.

Shooters must hit 5 cards to construct hands of five cards. These hands are compared using a hand ranking system, , the Shooters with the highest-ranking hand winning that particular Stage.

Hand Ranking System.

01. Royal Flush.
02. Straight Flush.
03. Four of a Kind.
04. Full House.
05. Flush.
06. Straight.
07. Three of a Kind.
08. Two Pair.
09. One Pair.
10. High card.

Match Structure.